Thoughts of world peace, freedom of expression, no racism, no bigotry, no hate. I hate hate.
Published on June 12, 2005 By Justice For Jews In Politics
Britain is being sooooo greedy and France is being sooooo nasty. Why are the world arguing over money when non-adult children are dying in Africa every single nano second!!!!



on Jun 12, 2005
when non-adult children are dying in Africa every single nano second!!!!

Didn't we agree to not send guys over to break their legs for not paying for the bowls of maggot infested rice they've been sponging off us?

What more do they want?

"Trying to extract the truth from this prime minister is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. He must be completely clear about what he means."

nail jelly to a wall.

Sounds like some sort of SICK pornographic code word.

I think some sort of Profumo-like shenanigans are going on and should be investigated immediately.

on Jun 12, 2005
He is obviously non-heterosexual and you musn't discriminate against him for it.
on Jun 12, 2005
He is obviously non-heterosexual and you musn't discriminate against him for it.

You're right. How could I have missed it? My gaydar non-heterosexual identification device must be broken.
on Jun 12, 2005
They should make him President of Britain. That would be very inclusive and would quash rumours that Britain is RACIST AND SICK country like a banned nobleman we all know and hate!!!
on Jun 15, 2005
Can they at least package up the jelly and ship it to Africa when they are done nailing it?

Depending on the type of "nailing," I imagine it will have extra protein added.