Thoughts of world peace, freedom of expression, no racism, no bigotry, no hate. I hate hate.
Pro non-white adoption scheme...
Published on September 16, 2005 By Justice For Jews In Home & Family
Working with my Muslim brothers here in the troubled Holy Land, I see much anti non-white aggression which can only be described as SICK!!!
Poor Palestinian children have nothing but guns, bombs, Korans and HATE! They only ever see a BRUTAL AND SICK occupation and have never even played on a PS2 (I doubt they will ever see the PS3).

To end this injuicetice, I have began the 'IF YOU'RE FEELIN LIKE A PALESTINIAN BRUSH YOUR SHOULDERS OFF' adoption scheme. Wealthy white people in the rich West will adopt a poor Palestinian child for one year and will try to persuade them to forget violence while in the process not infringing their human rights.

So I need some volunteers... Joeusers please help and volunteer to adopt a Muslim child to help brush their shoulders off. BRUSH OFF THAT CHIP THAT IS!!!

America, UK, France, Germany, Spain etc. I need volunteers from ALL of these types of countries so please help me save Muslim lives from the West Bank. If I can get an idea of numbers I will go the West Bank at the weekend and snatch some kids ready to be sent off to their new parents next week.

With love,

J 4 J

on Sep 17, 2005

alright, so I laughed my ass off at your title. 

That is all.


on Sep 17, 2005
(I doubt they will ever see the PS3

You MUST be foreign. Xbox 360's where it's at.
on Sep 17, 2005
oh, yeah, and before you say, it, I'm (and the Xbox 360's) SICK!!!!
on Sep 17, 2005
I laughed my ass off at your title.

Racism is no laughing mattare.

Xbox 360's where it's at.

The fact that Palestinians will never see blu ray technology is the greatest crime on the 22nd century! SICK!!!

on Sep 17, 2005
I'm sure these chaps would be happy to take on all the young boys you can supply.

How about starting a fund to buy older game consoles off eBay and sprinkle them liberally around the West Bank? Or would the thought rich Jews were playing PS3's while they were stuck with PS1's or worse just get their suicidal blood boiling?
on Sep 17, 2005
I think anything less than a PS2 would lead to matyrdom operations.

The thought of Israelis playing the game 'Grand Theft Homeland' would get Muslims REALLY angry!
on Sep 18, 2005
(yer such a bad boy, JFJ!)

My coffee tables knows it!

Simon says we'll take 2 smooth-skinned pretty young males around 11 years old

I'll snatch you two tomorrow afternoon when I go to the West Bank to meet "friends".

I'm also in talks with record companies to get Jay Z to rap the 'IF YOU'RE FEELIN LIKE A PALESTINIAN BRUSH YOUR SHOULDERS OFF' anthem. The 'Jay Z Jihad' tour of the west bank will be the hottest thing in hip hop for centuries.