Thoughts of world peace, freedom of expression, no racism, no bigotry, no hate. I hate hate.
Just recently I have seen loads of anti-Jewish posts.I am JEWISH!!! I see this not as comedy, or people trying to get a rise out of me but sick evil meanie RACISM!!!! SICK!!!

I am watching the RACISTS here and I think they should be executed and then their corpsees pissed on. This is their punishment for being INTOLERANT.


J 4 J

on May 30, 2005
on May 30, 2005
on May 30, 2005
You wouldn't tell a black blogger that he was mentally unstable so why do you do it me i am joeusers ONLY JEWISH BLOGGER.
on May 30, 2005
actually, i don't think anyone has said they were black,to the best of my knowledge, and also, if the person post's are a little out there then others usually pipe up about them...don't take it to heart, i've had things said to me and i just shrug it know the saying: "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." ....apply it...
on May 30, 2005
on May 31, 2005
777 -- Jackpot!!!!

Take down their names and blog URL's and report the suckers to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.
on May 31, 2005
Gene you seem to be as smart as me : )

Are you Jewish like me, if so perhaps we could get to know each other a little better and you can come and visit me on the war-torn west bank ; )
on May 31, 2005
You can call me grandpa
on Jun 01, 2005
Who the hell has anything against jewelry?
Those bastards, give names!
on Aug 23, 2006
Wow, so much hatred on here. Going back to the Jesus loving Christain boards where peace and love for all prevails