Thoughts of world peace, freedom of expression, no racism, no bigotry, no hate. I hate hate.
Please let go away
Published on May 26, 2005 By Justice For Jews In Health & Medicine
I have been disabled for about a day now, I only got myself crippled because I wanted to win an argument with my neighbour over who has had the hardest life but still finds time to be compassionate to others. I WIN!!!

This morning I took my souped up wheelchair for a spin on the west bank and all I encountered was bigotry and hate. I wanted to wheel myself into a Palestinian settlement to let all the muslims know that their Jewish brothers suffer as well, I wanted them to see me as a pathetic cripple who DOESN’T SUPPORT THE EVIL OCCUPATION OF THEIR LANDS!

But they wouldn’t let me in so I motored myself back home but I got stuck in the road and a motorcycle hit me and I was laying on the floor with cars just driving past honking their horns at me. SICK AND UNNECASARY!

I shouted to a policeman that I needed to use the bathroom quickly and I might mess myself if he didn’t help me. He just stood their laughing at me and I suddenly thought my wheelchair should GET A LIFE and I walked over to the policeman and told him that all roads should have special wheelchair access places where we can wheel ourselves home without sick car drivers abusing us. I shouted at the policeman and then ran home to let some steam off.

on May 26, 2005
Oh my I meant to say MOBILITY CHALLENGED. I would like to say sorry to any mobility challenged bloggers out there.

I may be mobility challenged but I still enjoy an active sex life