OMG I am so upset and stressed up!
I have just slammed down the phone on my Muslim lover Mustafa Bin Khan from the West Bank. You may recoil I made love to him on my coffee table, which I won in a Starbucks competition when in New York in 2002 (so lucky). We haven't been speaking much recently because I have been emotional broken at the departure of my Grandson and my house move from the West Bank... oy!!!! MOVING HOUSE IS SUCH A PAIN IN THE SKULL CAP!
He was mad because he says I have been neglecting him but I have just been busy moving house (and geting the numbers of the hunky Palestinian men waiting to enter the West Bank, dating a suicide bomber is SOOOOOOO my dream because they are so brave and dangerous it gets my peenis more erect than the massive wall that divides us from my Muslim brothers.
I said to Mustafa "Was I neglecting you when we made sex on my Starbucks coffee table? I LOVE YOU". He replied that he did not care anymore and I was just a one night Jihad. SICK!!! I slammed the phone after he starting chanting "LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA!" SICK!!!
So now I'm single (at least until I go for a date with a suicide bomber, I will just have to keep him away from buses or schools). To top it off the coffee table collapsed two days ago, our interacial non-white love making must have made a few screws loose and I'm not manly enough to put it back together again (where is a big strong Muslim brother when you need him... oy).
So I'm single and without a table to place my coffee cup, which was a present from my mother who is dead. I'm going to call a few of those hunky men I was chatting to, hopefully one of them with bring his tool and fix my table... and then who knows what will happen ; )
J4J xxx